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  1. Enrich operator

    for lookup and joining. MINIMUMSIZE: Blocks the streaming input until there are at least MINIMUMSIZE elements in the cache from the static stream . Can be used
    OdysseusFeb 14, 2020
  2. MEP: Functions and Operators

    use these functions and operators in the MAP, JOIN, and SELECT operator. In addition, functions and operators can be used in other operators that are not part
    OdysseusDec 22, 2016
  3. Latency

    (as for the aggregation or for the join), the latency is typically dened as the latency of the last participating event. This is because the waiting time
    OdysseusJun 30, 2020
  4. Developer Feature

    course specific operator documentations.   MEP Calculator The MEP Calculator can be used to test MEP functions and complex expressions used in Select/Join
    OdysseusJun 09, 2016
  5. How to Setup Odysseus Server as Linux Service

    You can get the OSGI console by joining the screen instance: # as user odysseus: screen -S odysseus -dRR   # if you get a error message like 'Cannot open your
    OdysseusApr 29, 2021
  6. Database Feature

    the database, a second operator would join this reading - and not beginning from the start of the table. Since the reading from the database is done as fast
    OdysseusJan 25, 2023
  7. MEP Functions

    MEP functions can be used to perform arbitrary things with your data (e.g., mathematic operations, string operations, etc.). These functions can be used in different operators like Map, Select, or Join. To implement a MEP function, one has to extend the AbstractFunction class. To implement your own MEP function you
    OdysseusJan 13, 2016
  8. Image Manager and Image Sets

    </entry> <entry key="JOIN">operator-images/default/join2.png</entry> <!-- more image definitions --> </properties> Similar to single images, you must register
    OdysseusMar 07, 2018
  9. Context Store Feature

    "-values instead of discarding them (thus, its like an outer join). MAP Together with the Map operator it is possible to retrieve single values from
    OdysseusNov 22, 2016
  10. Operator Definition Language (ODL)

    ).schema; SDFSchema right = getSubscribedToSource(1).schema; return SDFSchema::join(left, right); } on processNext(Tuple tuple
    OdysseusDec 01, 2015