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  1. Aggregation and Window

    In this tutorial you will learn how to write aggregation queries and learn about the window concept in Odysseus. We will use the same setting as in Simple … Based Windows for an example. Window In the example above you can see that the aggregated values always contain the information of all previous events.Typically
    OdysseusJan 15, 2014
  2. Window operator

    WINDOW should no longer be used. Use instead: ElementWindow PredicateWindow SessionWindow TimeWindow For special cases the Timestamp operator can be used.
    OdysseusMay 09, 2019
  3. Interactive Data Stream Time Window Visualization (Interval Approach)

    This page allows to visualize and to interactively explore the interval approach with time windows. At the bottom of this page there is a text box with data … with respect to the width and advance specified in the text boxes below. After adding a bunch of elements the visualization highlights the range of a window and all
    OdysseusMay 18, 2016
  4. Pattern 3: Simple Counting and Counting with Windows

    For Counting (building sum, avg, finding min, max. etc.) the Aggregate (and Group) operator can be used. See Aggregation and Window for examples on this topic.
    OdysseusNov 06, 2015
  5. Aggregation operator

    The aggregation operator is an alternative implementation of Aggregate (and Group) operator. In particular for sliding time windows with advance of 1 … elements. If you need the validity of the aggregation value you need to append an element window of size 1. This operator outputs "empty aggregations" if no tuple
    OdysseusFeb 01, 2024
  6. Classification

    = 'WekaGeneric', SUBALGORITHM = 'J48', CLASSIFIEROPTIONS = '-U'}, windowed) Remark: Internally, this will be translated to. See Explanations … '] ], eval_at_new_element = false, eval_before_remove_outdating = true }, windowed ) This first version
    OdysseusMar 07, 2024
  7. Create an Odysseus Docker Container

    systems. The images can be used for Linux and Windows (we did not make any tests with MacOS) If you want to create you own docker image, you can use the following
    OdysseusApr 05, 2024
  8. PredicateWindow

    Remark: This window is very complex and may somethime not behave as expected. It can simulate any other window, but if not necessary, you should prefer TimeWindow or ElementWindow The predicate window opens and closes the window regarding a start and optional an end condition. Elements that are not inside a window
    OdysseusSept 20, 2022
  9. How to install Odysseus

    in a shared folder. Under windows: Do not use folder "program files". Important: Do not use an existing directory, e.g. from an older Odysseus installation! If you want … special themes (OdysseusDark and OdysseusLight) for this. Just open Window/Preferences and navigate to Appearance: image2023-6-19_15-18-24.png 7. Next steps
    OdysseusDec 06, 2023
  10. Timestamp operator

    This Operator can be used to update the timestamp information in the meta data part. It can be used, if the generell Window operator does not help. Be careful … HH:mm:ss'}, input) /// Simulate an Expression based window: output = Timestamp({start='start', end = 'start+1000'},input) /// Create windows starting
    OdysseusJun 07, 2023